Alcester RFC Primal Fitness
Service Description
Life begins on the ground, right from the beginning of our lives, right from the beginning of time itself, we have learnt to move, bend, twist, and squat, become stronger, faster and better with our bodies. And then for the most part – we sit! At school, at college, in the car, in front of the TV, on a computer…anywhere…and we lose that primal ability to move easily. So how do you combat this, counterbalance modern day life and leave the bad habits behind? You join Primal Fitness Tribe - an amazing community of like-minded people, who train how nature intended; in the great outdoors, all year round, at all abilities and all levels of fitness. Focusing on cardiovascular, speed, strength, endurance, bodyweight efficiency and control, flexibility and mindfulness, our training will allow you to ready yourself for any challenge you set your mind to: obstacle course racing, running, improving muscle tone, losing fat or simply just being able to move your body in a much better way! Life can throw so much in our direction, and training with Primal Fitness Tribe will strengthen your body & mind for all and any sports you may compete in as well as creating physical and mental wellbeing, movement efficiency and most importantly lifelong health.

Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
+ 07989987031
Redditch, Worcestershire, GB- xxx xxx, GBR